
PocketHealth supports SIIM Virtual Hackathon

May 23, 2021 | PocketHealth
SIM 2021 hackathon promotion

We believe knowledge really is power – because people with no information have no power, right? This statement is at the core of the patient empowerment movement, and it’s at the core of why PocketHealth was founded.

This month we took action: to help the next generation of radiologists think proactively about empowerment, we sponsored the SIIM Virtual Hackathon. At this event student radiologists connect with expert doctors and software gurus to dream up new image sharing ideas and start turning them into action. It was great!

SIIM is the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine, devoted to advancing care through image technology, and boy do they mean it. In fact, at their annual conference in Washington DC in 2018  they decided that their opening keynote speech should be about radiology from the patient’s perspective. This is amazing because, unfortunately, most medical societies don’t think that way! I had the honour of delivering the speech, and how did I prepare? Ask patients, of course! On Facebook:

Did they have stories? Absolutely – 156 comments! Take a look at all their stories! The results were summarized on the Society for Participatory Medicine’s blog: Skeptics ask why patients would even WANT their medical images..

The SIIM audience was decidedly receptive. So much, that last year they introduced patient judging into the hackathon plan. This is an incredible milestone and to recognize the importance of patient empowerment, PocketHealth sponsored this year’s SIIM Hackathon!

Don’t you love how social media can let patients be heard – if we just keep asking the right questions! Keep speaking up – keep telling healthcare what you want. Knowledge is power, and you deserve it. After all, your needs are the reason healthcare exists.

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