
Toronto Star: PocketHealth Founders Revolutionize Medical Imaging

March 14, 2022 | PocketHealth
Rishi Nayyar and Harsh Nayyar, PocketHealth co-founders

The Toronto Star profiles PocketHealth co-founders Rishi and Harsh Nayyar and their journey to build a patient-centric platform that makes it easy for healthcare patients to access their x-rays, CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds, share them with a doctor, and advocate for their own healthcare.

“In my opinion, ‘no news is good news’ is a phrase that should be banished from every patient’s vocabulary,” says Rishi, when discussing how their program eliminates the need for patients to wait for doctors’ calling with results. PocketHealth subscribers get a notification as soon as their imaging and radiologist reports appear in their account.

Read the full story in the Toronto Star.

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