How are patient records protected?

Your trust is important to us, and we are dedicated to maintaining your privacy. We meet all United States and Canadian health data privacy requirements, use the same encryption standards as banks and federal governments, and meet or exceed all requirements established in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). All of your scans are securely linked to to a personal identifier (such as your health insurance number, medicare number or OHIP Card number) and, once you create an account and access your results for the first time, are also secured by the login credentials you create. Every time a record is added to a PocketHealth account, it needs to be manually verified via a unique personal identifier entered by the account holder before any personal health information is released. Robust security tools allow patients to regularly update their passwords, revoke credentials from users they have shared with and even delete their record permanently if required.

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