
In-Portal Record Requesting Got a Makeover

September 4, 2019 | PocketHealth
screenshot of pockethealth in desktop and mobile

Looks aren’t everything, but when it comes to the patient experience we know they’re important. Recently the account feature for patients, “Make A Request” was updated to match our newest design standards and be more user friendly.

Some changes to the in portal request form include:

  • Search bar navigation to locate clinics or hospitals affiliated with PocketHealth
  • Using family profiles to quickly submit requests for family members
  • Remaining in portal to complete your online request
  • Graphics that illustrate your journey through the online request

As patients, you all have a story and now there is a subtle story that is illustrated when you submit your online request. When you first start filling out your request you notice the rising sun over the city. This imagery represents the busy beginning you experience while trying to navigate your own patient journey.

As you continue to fill out the online request, the images on screen mirror the actions you are taking; filling out your health card information, signing the form electronically, and then completing your payment.

Once your request is submitted the final image is of a setting sun on the beach. This final image is meant to represent the end of your journey, and make you feel relaxed now that your work is done. We take it from there and ensure you receive your records in 1-2 days (and often in as little as a few minutes). It’s that easy!

Looking to request records for your family members using family profiles? You can update your account subscription here to access the new feature.

Access My Records
Access My Records