
Patient Spotlight: Aileen Gets the Full Picture of Her Metastatic Breast Cancer

August 11, 2022 | PocketHealth
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Aileen and her husband were ready to do everything they could to fight her metastatic breast cancer, and after finding a brain tumor, they knew how important imaging would be to her care. Unfortunately, her husband couldn’t accompany her to MRI, X-ray and mammogram appointments due to COVID-19 protocols. But after signing up for PocketHealth, he felt more involved and better positioned to support her care.

What brought you to PocketHealth?

In 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and after finding a tumor in my brain, it was deemed metastatic. While I was in the process of my diagnosis, my husband saw a poster on the wall at a clinic in London, ON. We signed up so we both could follow my journey and see all my X-rays, MRIs, mammograms and whatever else I needed done. With COVID protocols, he couldn’t come to many of my appointments, but with PocketHealth, at least he could see what the doctors were talking about on my scans.

Have you found that it has been useful for the two of you?

Yes. When my doctors discuss my tumors and health indicators that they see, my husband can relate to what they’re talking about. If there are no changes or things are moving in a positive direction, he’s very appreciative that he can also see that.

Has access to your imaging helped you feel more in control of your health?

I don’t know if it’s about control, but I do think I have a better understanding of my health. You can follow where they’re going as your doctors explain to you what they want to do to help improve your quality of life and your health.

Have you found the platform to be user friendly?

It is, but it would be nice if more hospitals had it! 

What sort of patients do you think would get the most use out of PocketHealth?

For us, it has been helpful just to monitor my progress through my breast cancer journey. I appreciate seeing the improvements are just the status of my condition. Two years ago, when I had a brain tumor removed, PocketHealth allowed us to see the exact tumor location and view all the imaging I’ve had done since then. You can see the tumor is no longer there – a relief to actually see that for myself. It gives you a complete understanding of what the doctor is telling you, so when you go to  view your imaging, it makes sense.

Has having access to those images allowed you to take different steps to help care for your cancer?

To some extent, but it’s more the communication with your doctors and medical staff that has gotten better. I can ask more questions like, ‘OK, well what if we do this’ or ‘Why are we doing that treatment instead of this treatment?’, based on what I’ve seen. 

How would you describe your PocketHealth experience?

To us, it has been a really positive thing. Just being able to follow your journey and the processes you’re going through with breast cancer. You’re able to follow along at a better rate than you would just sitting there listening to the doctor talk to you. This way you have a 360° view of what’s going on and get a better understanding of it.

Is there anything PocketHealth can do to make the service better?

No, I think what you’re doing is awesome. Like I said, I would just love to see more hospitals on board. That way, regardless of where we go for tests, our information would be there and we could access my reports from anywhere.

PocketHealth is putting hundreds of thousands of patients just like Aileen back in charge of their healthcare journey by giving them easy online access to all their medical imaging and making it a breeze to share this information with doctors and care providers around the world. Access your medical imaging and records by clicking on this link

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