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Video: PocketHealth in under 2 minutes

August 5, 2020 | PocketHealth
man and woman looking at pockethealth logo

Hi folks! I’m Dave deBronkart, announced last week as PocketHealth’s new Chief Patient Officer. I’ll be one of the authors on this blog.

In my speaking and consulting work as e-Patient Dave, a lot of my time’s been devoted to evangelizing new ways of thinking about healthcare, particularly how healthcare can improve when vital information is available to all relevant stakeholders. Before cancer almost killed me in 2007 I was a marketing guy, so to me, message clarity is essential. I was thrilled when I discovered this short video, in which PocketHealth Co-Founder and CEO Rishi Nayyar describes the system from the provider’s perspective. A transcript is below.


PocketHealth is a secure cloud platform that allows medical imaging clinics and hospitals to replace their CD burning and multiple physician portals for the referring physicians with instant diagnostic quality DICOM and radiology report access for their patients without any clerical input.

So here’s how it works:

It starts off with every patient in your RIS, HIS or PACS getting automated consent email before and after their appointment, which they can go ahead and click, sign and provide you with signed consent and approval for record release.

If you don’t store emails in your PACS, you can also have patients fill out this consent online, or fill out a paper form at your clinic or hospital. The end result is the same: signed consent from every patient, for every study release, every time.

After providing consent, patient can click to access their records and verify their identity based on a security question formed from the DICOM header attributes of their records themselves, and a few seconds later they’re inside their account.

Co-Founders Rishi (left) and Harsh showing PocketHealth in the Google Cloud booth at the 2018 RSNA radiology convention

Co-Founders Rishi (left) and Harsh showing PocketHealth in the Google Cloud booth at the 2018 RSNA radiology convention

Patients receive personalized guidance at every step of the way. They can actually view their imaging studies, toggle over to reports, receive different guidance there, and read and print their reports with ease.

But the most powerful piece of functionality for patients and their providers is sharing. Patients can share specific records or all of their records, in their original diagnostic format, in different ways, from burning a CD, faxing their records over, “printing a link” or even emailing their records instantly to their physician.

Without any login, software [to install], or account setup required, physicians can simply click on the link to the records they received, download them in their original DICOM format and import them into their PACS. Or go ahead and click on the imaging and view them in an FDA- and Health Canada-certified zero footprint viewer, go ahead and load up other studies, study-compare, and all the functionality in a full-featured diagnostic viewer, all from the comfort of their [tablet] or personal computer, in a regulatory-compliant environment.

And this is all wrapped up in a unique patient-funded format where patients get permanent access for a single one-time fee to their entire history. And it’s all done by taking patients from the outside looking in, to the center of the healthcare equation… and their providers never burn a CD again.

And that’s PocketHealth in under two minutes. (More or less. :-))

Questions are welcome

I’m well aware that this is a lot simpler than people expect it to be. 🙂  (As Rishi and his co-founder brother Harsh say, “We didn’t know it was supposed to be hard.”) So I expect there will be a lot of questions, or requests for more information. Write to me at dave [at] or to rishi [at] Or just explore the menus.

This is going to be fun! Doing things better always is.

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